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Baidu Hong Kong's second listing Robin Li said he would explore artificial intelligence no-man's land

发布时间:2021-09-09 14:09:40人气:

China Securities Network News (Reporter Yang Jie), Baidu officially listed in Hong Kong for the second time, with an issue price of 252 Hong Kong dollars per share. It opened up 0.79% and then fell back. The total market value is 718.5 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Robin Li, Chairman and CEO of Baidu, delivered a speech at the "Cloud Knocking Gong" in Beijing. "I am a traveler. The starting point of the road is in China. Nasdaq is just one of the stops. In the end, Baidu will return to China because our roots are in China. Today, we finally achieved our wish and returned to Baidu in Hong Kong, China. Listed, we are going home," Li Yanhong said.

Li Yanhong also said in his speech that Baidu Hong Kong is willing to make long-term investment in technology, even in the most difficult time, it will insist on investing in the future, no matter if it has 1 yuan, 100 million or 10 billion yuan, it will invest in technology, because only by maintaining the technology With continuous investment in innovation, Baidu Hong Kong can seize the huge market opportunities in cloud services, intelligent transportation, autonomous driving and other artificial intelligence.

"Today's Baidu Hong Kong is no longer a young man in fresh clothes, but a young man full of ambition. Facing the future, we will explore in the no-man's land of artificial intelligence. Back to Baidu's second listing in Hong Kong, it is Baidu in Hong Kong's re-start is Baidu's second venture. We must always maintain the sense of crisis that entrepreneurs are precarious, and we must take a leap in front of the abyss. Our mission and responsibility." Robin Li said.

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