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Hong Kong co., LTD is a Hong Kong agent baidu, baidu baidu agent in Hong Kong, focused on baidu to open an account in Hong Kong, overseas baidu accounts, etc.



Accurate drainage, private domain operation! Baidu Hong Kong agents help companies easily acquire customers

发布时间:2022-06-16 11:02:54人气:

Although third-party e-commerce platforms occupy a share of China's e-commerce market, as the traffic of e-commerce platforms peaks, competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and more and more small and medium-sized enterprises are facing multiple difficulties under the squeeze of various industry giants .

The first is the rising cost of customer acquisition. On third-party platforms such as Tmall and JD.com, not only giants are making great efforts, but also peer-to-peer "price wars" and "traffic battles". Even if they pay expensive marketing expenses, it is difficult for SMEs to occupy a place.

The second is that there are few purchase scenes. Small and medium-sized enterprises are limited to a single e-commerce platform, and there are very few scenarios that can stimulate users to purchase.


Faced with these difficulties, many small and medium-sized enterprises have shifted their focus and started their own private domain e-commerce operations through small programs. Compared with third-party e-commerce platforms, Baidu Hong Kong agents have easier traffic acquisition and lower customer acquisition costs. At the same time, through private domain operations, the repurchase rate of users has been greatly increased.

The Baidu Mini Program relies on its own search and content advantages to provide targeted solutions for the e-commerce industry.


Massive traffic, accurate capture

Baidu handles 6 billion searches every day, and more than 100 million people browse Baidu's information flow. Both the search scene and the information flow scene have massive traffic.

In the search scenario, enterprises can obtain more accurate traffic exposure through paid traffic and natural traffic, and promote the improvement of conversion rate.

● paid traffic/Paid Traffic


Hong Kong Baidu account opening advertising resources such as search advertisements and brand advertisements can be directly implemented in the mini program, and the immersive experience advantage of the mini program can be used to achieve order conversion efficiency and ROI improvement.

 organic traffic/Organic Traffic


In addition to natural search results, mini-program e-commerce can also increase the exposure of natural traffic by means of mini-program single card and SUG direct access.

In the information flow scenario, Hong Kong Baidu agents can also quickly acquire customers through paid traffic, and can also build brand awareness when users browse the information flow through natural traffic.


Not only that, Baidu Hong Kong agents also have public domain traffic and open source traffic to help companies increase their exposure.

Public domain traffic

On the Baidu App, there are various recommended places to display enterprise applets at the entrances such as "Common Mini Programs" and "Mini Program Advertisements", so as to attract traffic and gain traffic for enterprises.


open source traffic

The open source traffic includes Baidu overseas agency alliance traffic (currently including Baidu Tieba, Baidu Maps and other apps), helping companies expand new traffic scenarios and explore new ways of playing.

