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Hong Kong co., LTD is a Hong Kong agent baidu, baidu baidu agent in Hong Kong, focused on baidu to open an account in Hong Kong, overseas baidu accounts, etc.



Baidu’s Hong Kong agency recommends the use of newsfeed ads to promote brands

发布时间:2022-07-04 15:03:16人气:

In-feed ads are less intrusive, so brands prefer them to promote their business. In China, one of the most prominent native advertising platforms is Baidu. With billions of views per day, you can target Chinese audiences with interest in no time. Baidu agents in Hong Kong are highly recommended.

Native ads are non-disruptive, so brands prefer them to promote their businesses. In China, one of the most prominent native ad platforms is Baidu. With billions of views daily, you can immediately target the Chinese audience with interest.Baidu agents in Hong Kong strongly recommend it.

If you need to contact Hong Kong Baidu agents, Hong Kong Baidu account opening matters, please add  Wechat:8613923805467
