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Match search intent and automatically optimize ads! Hong Kong Baidu Agent Search Promotion "Dynamic Creativity" Introduction

发布时间:2022-09-21 16:48:02人气:

One of the most important factors affecting Baidu search account opening in Hong Kong is relevance. The more relevant your ad copy is to what a user is searching for, the more likely the user will click on the ad. However, when writing ad copy, it is impossible for us to predict the search content of all users, so how to improve the relevance of the ad?

One of the most important factors in search ads is relevance. The more relevant the ad copy is to what the user is searching for, the more likely the user is to click on the ad. However, when writing ad copy, it is impossible to predict what all users will search for, so how can you improve the relevance of your search ads?

Overseas brands that have placed Google search ads will not be unfamiliar with adaptive search ads, dynamic search ads, and Baidu agents in Hong Kong.

Google Responsive Search Ads automatically combines the title and description of the ad to match the ad copy that is more relevant to the user's search terms.


Google Dynamic Search Ads, on the other hand, automatically matches more keywords based on the content on the landing page of the website and generates an ad title most relevant to the user's search terms.

International brands that advertise on Google will familiar with its responsive search ads and dynamic search ads.

Google responsive search ads are automatically combined with different headlines and descriptions to match customers' search queries more closely.

While dynamic search ads are based on the content of your landing page to automatically find more keywords and create ad headlines that are most relevant to the user's search queries,

Compared with adaptive search ads, Google's dynamic search ads are more about filling traffic gaps (matching more keywords based on landing page content).

How can overseas brands achieve similar effects when they open an account with Baidu search ads in China?

Compared to responsive ads, dynamic ads can help fill in the gaps of your keyword based campaigns.

Then, how can international brands achieve similar results when advertising on Baidu search in China?

Baidu search promotion dynamic creative

Dynamic Creatives

Enabling the "Dynamic Creativity" function in Baidu Hong Kong Search Promotion will allow Baidu to help you optimize your ad creatives in real time to better meet users' search and account opening needs.

Enabling the "Dynamic Creatives" feature in Baidu search campaigns can let Baidu help you optimize your ad creatives in real time to better fit users' search needs.

1. What is dynamic creativity?

Baidu Hong Kong search account opening and promotion dynamic creativity is based on the analysis and understanding of users' individual search needs, combined with the advertiser's own marketing content, real-time & dynamic optimization of creativity to maximize advertising effects.

What is "Dynamic Creatives"?

Dynamic creatives can help advertisers adjust ad copies in real time to maximize search campaign results based on analysis and understanding of users' personalized search needs and combined with advertisers' own ad creatives.

2. How does Dynamic Creative work?

First of all, Baidu Overseas will intelligently analyze advertisers’ demands, extract creative elements from existing materials, and then conduct precise insights into users’ real-time search needs, and dynamically adjust advertising creatives based on insights to make advertising creatives more in line with user needs , at the same time, Baidu will also automatically derive and superimpose high-quality creative components, shorten the conversion path, and improve the conversion effect.

How it works?

Firstly, Baidu will analyze advertisers' demands and extract creative elements from existing assets. Then, Baidu will adjust ad copies according to users' search needs. Meanwhile, Baidu will also add high-quality extensions to your ads to shorten the conversion path and increase CVR.

3. What content does Dynamic Creative automatically optimize?

Currently, dynamic creatives are automatically optimized for ad copy, images, and text links.

What content will it automatically optimize?

Currently, dynamic creatives are automatically optimized for ad copy, images, and text links.

● Automatic copy optimization

Based on the analysis and understanding of the user's personalized search needs, the system will extract information fragments that are more in line with the needs of the user from the recently launched ideas and all historically added material content such as the advertising landing page. The content is locally modified dynamically.


Automatic ad copy optimization

Baidu will make dynamic modifications to the ad headlines, descriptions, and other content by extracting the information snippets that better meet the needs of users from the recent assets including all ad materials and landing pages.

● Automatic Image Optimization

Based on the analysis and understanding of the user's personalized search needs, the system will select the picture that best matches the user's search intention from all pictures in the advertising account, copyright gallery and other sources, and place it in the advertising creative to enhance the advertising graphics Overall attractiveness to users.

Automatic ad image optimization

Baidu will select the images that best match the user's search intent from all the images in your ad account, copyright gallery, and other sources, and place them in your search ads.

● Automatic Text Link Optimization

Based on the analysis and understanding of the user's personalized search needs, Baidu's overseas agents will extract a text link that is more in line with the user's needs from the recently launched ideas, advertising landing pages, and other historically added material content, and dynamically present it in the text link In the creative component, the relevance of the overall advertisement and user needs is enhanced.

Automatic text links optimization

Baidu will find the best text link that matches the user's search intent from the recent assets including all ad materials and landing page content.

Source: Baidu Marketing - Baidu Overseas Agents
