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How to promote overseas companies and Hong Kong companies on Baidu

发布时间:2023-04-07 11:31:58人气:

Baidu promotion is a common method of network promotion, which can be achieved in many ways, the following are some common methods:

  1. Baidu official website promotion: Advertise on the homepage or related channels of Baidu search engine, and let users discover and enter the promotion page through website construction and mobile application development.

  2. Baidu Zhizhi promotion: Create questions and answers on Baidu Zhizhi and other question-and-answer platforms, and let users discover and enter the promotion page by promoting answers.

  3. Baidu Wenku Promotion: Create documents on platforms such as Baidu Wenku, and let users discover and download promotional documents by means of promotional documents.
  4. Baidu Tieba promotion: Create topics and answers on Baidu Tieba and other platforms, and let users discover and enter the promotion page by promoting topics and other methods.

  5. Baidu Encyclopedia promotion: Create entries and answers on Baidu Encyclopedia and other platforms, and let users discover and enter the promotion page by promoting entries and other methods.

  6. Baidu Zhizhi Cooperation: Cooperate with Baidu Zhizhi, promote the partner's products or services in the answer, and achieve the promotion effect through cooperation.

  7. Baidu bidding promotion: By purchasing Baidu bidding advertisements, the promotion content will be displayed during the promotion period, and the fee will be charged according to the number of clicks.

The above are some common Baidu promotion methods, and the specific implementation methods can be adjusted and optimized according to different products and services. At the same time, it should be noted that online promotion needs to abide by relevant laws and regulations and platform regulations, and carry out promotion activities legally and compliantly.
