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How to open a Baidu account for overseas companies to promote in mainland China

发布时间:2023-04-26 14:15:54人气:

If an overseas company wants to promote in mainland China, it needs to open an account in mainland China on Baidu. Here are some steps and considerations:

Preparation materials: When opening a Baidu account, you need to prepare relevant materials, including company name, industrial and commercial business license, promotional website, financial certificate, etc.

Contact Baidu Overseas Agents: Submit the application through the official agents promoted by Baidu.

Qualification review: After submitting the application, Baidu will review the submitted materials. After passing the review, the enterprise can have its own Baidu promotion account.

Recharge: After opening an account, the company needs to recharge to promote. Overseas companies can recharge through business-to-business transfers.

Choose a promotion method: After the recharge is completed, the enterprise can choose different promotion methods, such as search promotion, information flow promotion, Baidu Zhidao, etc.

It should be noted that due to the policy and regulatory restrictions in mainland China, the promotion of overseas companies in mainland China must comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as the need to indicate the origin of the product in the advertisement, and the copywriting must comply with the review standards of mainland China, etc. In addition, overseas companies also need to consider factors such as language differences between Chinese and English, cultural differences, market demand, etc., to ensure the maximum promotion effect.

The advantages of foreign-funded enterprises using Baidu promotion in mainland China include the following points:

Wide coverage: Baidu is the largest search engine in China with over 70% market share. By promoting on Baidu, foreign-funded enterprises can reach a large number of potential customers and expand brand exposure.

Precise positioning: Baidu Promotion provides a variety of advertising positioning methods, such as regions, keywords, hobbies, etc., which can be accurately placed according to the characteristics of target users to improve the click-through rate and conversion rate of advertisements.

Various advertising forms: Baidu Promotion provides a variety of advertising forms, such as search promotion, information flow promotion, Baidu Zhizhi, etc. Foreign-funded enterprises can choose the appropriate advertising form according to their own needs to achieve the best results.

Convenient operation: The operation interface promoted by Baidu is simple and easy to use. Foreign-funded enterprises can easily manage and adjust advertising content and delivery strategies independently, and adjust advertising effects in a timely manner.

High-quality service: Baidu overseas agents provide high-quality service and technical support, including account management, data analysis, advertising creative optimization, etc. Foreign-funded enterprises can get professional advertising advice and technical support to optimize advertising effects.

Affordable: Compared with other advertising platforms, the price of Baidu promotion is relatively affordable. Foreign-funded enterprises can choose the appropriate promotion plan according to their own budget and needs, and control the promotion cost

In short, foreign-funded enterprises using Baidu promotion in mainland China can accurately locate target users in various ways, increase brand awareness and sales, and enjoy high-quality service and technical support at the same time.
